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Michigan Robotic Submarine

is an engineering design team at the University of Michigan. We build and program autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to compete in RoboNation's annual RoboSub Competition.
robosub team working pic
Founded by yours truly and other members of the Michigan Hyperloop team, MRoboSub (website) served as a project for us to tackle that involved a number of mechanical and software challenges we had not previously faced.
I worked as the Software Lead, managing a team of engineers to develop a system that navigates a pool and completes a series of competition tasks, all autonomously through machine learning and computer vision (CV).
robosub computer vision pic
robosub software system diagram
In our first competition season, we developed motor control and task planning algorithms, object detection CV models, and state- and error-handling logic, all connected via ROS. We completed pool testing to verify proper integration between our independently-developed software "nodes", and, as rookies, the software team took 4th place out of 20+ teams for our sensor optimization / ML video in the 2021 online competition!
This school year, as a Master's student, I'm taking on a mentor role to ensure the team's continued success after my graduation. I'm eager to see what this great team can produce post-pandemic given our success thus far!
robosub sub pic
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