Michigan Hyperloop
Student Team - Controls/Software Lead
The computer system and sensor array for a high-speed vehicle competing in SpaceX's Hyperloop Pod Competition.
Michigan Robotic Submarine
Student Team - Co-Founder, Software Lead
The control/navigation software for an autonomous underwater vehicle competing in RoboNation's RoboSub Competition.
Graduate Course Research Project
Finitization of Dafny protocols to enable model checking of Dafny-implemented distributed programs.
Senior Design Project
A robot that autonomously explores, maps, and segments a space and sanitizes objects with a UV light.
Quantum Decoherence
Final paper for EECS 598: Quantum Information, Probability, and Computing.
Ethical AI Development
Final paper for UMich's EECS 598: Ethics of AI and Robotics.
Personal Website
This website - a React app, built and styled from scratch.
The Dranzleyder
A browser extension I made as a joke, live on the Chrome Web Store, that translates all text on a given webpage to a "softer" pronunciation.
Warmer Winter Walks
An interactive-map React app that provides routes between locations on Michigan's North Campus.
Super MIDIo Bros
Hackathon Team Member
A controller for Super Mario Bros Level 1-1 using a MIDI Keyboard. Made for MHacks 11.